National Transportation Statistics:

  • Over $650 billion in economic activity is generated annually from construction, design, and maintenance work performed on transportation projects, which generates and supports 4.4 million jobs.
  • The Federal Highway Administration estimates that every $1 billion in highway and bridge infrastructure investment supports at least 13,000 jobs throughout the U.S. economy. This includes work in retail, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, food services and other industries.
  • The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains $450 billion for highway, bridge, safety and public transportation system improvements.
  • The U.S. transportation network includes:
    • 4.19 million miles of road, including Alaska and Hawaii.
    • 48,756 miles of Interstate Highways.
    • 619,588 bridges of which 43,578 are classified as structurally deficient.
  • The Interstates comprise just over 1 percent of highway mileage, but carry over 25 percent of all highway traffic.
    • The Interstates and another 171,759 miles of major roads comprise the National Highway System, which is the core of the nation’s roadway network.